Ms. McCarty's Page


Ms. McCarty’s English and World History I Page

Objectives for English10/15 through 10/30 

At the end of this time, students should be able to: 

ü identify correlative and coordinating conjunctions in sentences.

ü identify subordinating conjunctions and explain their role in complex sentences.

ü differentiate between independent and dependent clauses.

ü differentiate between simple, compound, and complex sentences.

ü write examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences.

ü define and identify the parts of speech for each of the following words using dictionaries and context clues from Call of the Wild:  intimated, vicarious, malignant, solidarity, paradox, obdurate, lugubriously, slovenly, superfluous, callous, antagonist, pertinacity, carnivorous, infinitesimal, and void.

ü answer basic comprehension questions about the events in Call of the Wild. 

Objectives for World History I

10/16 through 10/28


·         use the history glossary to find and learn definitions for the following words from Chapter 5:  myth, oracle, epic, fable, drama, tragedy, comedy, philosophy, philosopher, Sophist, Socratic method, legacy, Hellenistic Era, Epicureanism, Stoicism, astronomer, plane geometry, and solid geometry

·         identify the main Greek gods and goddesses, describe their functions, and explain their relationships with one another

·         produce a poster describing a specific god or goddess

·         explain some of the main religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks

·         identify the great writers of ancient Greece and describe their writings

·         describe the kinds of visual arts pursued by the ancient Greeks

·         identify the most important Greek philosophers, explain their main ideas, and describe their contributions to the world

·         explain the relationship between Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

·         identify Philip II and his impact on both Macedonia and Greece

·         explain how Alexander was so effective as a leader

·         describe why Alexander’s empire didn’t last

·         identify some famous Greek writers during the Hellenistic Era

·         describe the differences between the two most important philosophies during the Hellenistic Era

·         identify some famous Greek scientists and mathematicians and describe their contributions to the world